Business Boost with InDesign: Why take up a Course?

Forget everything you know about paint or word. Using InDesign for your business has so many more benefits including appearing far more professional. I have put this article together to give you an idea of just how handy and creative this initiative program really is. Digital marketing is rife in the industry and by cultivating this, you can really open up a whole world of business opportunities, and the recognition you’re looking for. There are a lot of great free resources out there for creating graphics for your blog or business, and these can be a good avenue for beginners. But as...
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Funded Photoshop, InDesign & Illustrator Training Courses in Leeds

Adobe InDesign Training Course in Leeds
  Creative Studios Derby is registered to deliver Adobe Software Training for the LEP Skills Service. This new service from the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP) helps businesses to identify their skills needs based on their business growth objectives and then find the right training solution. Small and medium-sized business based in the Leeds City Region that have a budget to put towards training could be eligible for funding of between £500 and £50,000. To find out more about the LEP Skills Service and apply, visit: The types of training ...
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Design a Logo in Illustrator

text with stroke
Ilustrator is an initiative and nifty programme created for those with a love for design and graphics. Illusrators numerous incorporated tools allow the user to create unique and intricate designs. Logo design in Illustrator offers an array of tools, enhancing your creativity, being the best program to use for your artistic designs. Pen Tool for Shape Design Ok so, with the pen tool requires practice, patience, practice and more practice. Undertanding the pen tool can really benefit and aid creative design. Lets start by navigating to the left hand side on the tools panel....
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Adobe Illustrator for Beginners

Shapes in Illustrator
Welcome to the world of Illustrator, filled with paths, shapes and other words you probably haven’t heard of unless you’re an Adobe familiar. This blog demonstrates some of the basic tools in Illustrator for beginners. First glance at this program can be intimidating (as with most Adobe applications), however if you have already used other Adobe programs, you should be able to recognise a few things within the programs features such as the Tools Panel and Control Panel. If you are serious about using Illustrator for your artwork, I would hugely recommend investing in a graphics tablet...
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Creating a Professional Document in InDesign

The finished document
Searching through hundreds of websites to find a decent template to use for your document can be time consuming and stressful. Many different websites ask you to ‘sign up for this free template’ or ‘pay X amount of money each month’, its hard to know which ones to settle for. To combat this occasional battle, I will teach you how to create a simple, yet professional document in InDesign. These can be reports, certificates, workbooks etc. Using tools in InDesign provide the foundations of creating a sleek, easy to read, easy to print functionality with the flexibility to be transferred el...
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